I woke up at around nine as boo boo kitty had her theory test. We walked to the test centre and boo boo seemed a little anxious but i knew it would be fine because she had done a lot of revising for this. As she was taking the test, i found a place to read my book (my boring ass life) and have a diet coke. The plan altered slightly when i saw a delicious piece of chocolate cake so i hadthat too. 40 minutes later, boo boo called and i met her outside, then she told me she scored 49 out of 50. Sophie didn't feel this was good enough and i feel she would have been more content if she got 5 wrong and not have to think about the one that got away. As boo boo was hungry, we went to this place and ordered some french bread pizza. I was feeling stuffed after a big slice of cake so i didn't manage to eat too much of my french bread pizza.
When i got back to sophie's, we were still pretty tired from waking up so early on a saturday morning so we decided to have a nap. Four hours later, came the time to clean boo boo's room - something i was looking forward too. We got the room clean, then while i made the bed Sophie decided to do her hair for a trip to the cinema. Her youngest sister, lulu came in the room and while i continued to make the bed, her and boo boo had a usual barging contest for sypremacy in front of the mirror.
We then went to the cinema to see the latest pixar masterpiece Ratatouille. It was a fantastic film and was visually stunning. A very funny and heartwarming tale.
On the way back to camp Singleton, there was many discussions going on in the car. These included Hygiene and a few bad words about their father, that i felt were slightly unjustified. As the hygiene discussion got louder, i started to think of being in my happy place and thought next time i should take a cd player or ear plugs.
Me and boo boo then watched Con air on BBC one and fell asleep shortly after the credits rolled.