Monday 8 October 2007

Living life through another (because i don't wanna miss the sopranos or prison break)

As i haven't done too much recently and the most exciting thing i can think of to do in this blog is make the text red, i decided i will write about what my friend who i hardly see because we are too useless to arrange something has been up to.

Danny got a girlfriend about 9 months ago and she was different in the sense to his previous girlfriends as she could read something that didn't involve paris hilton in every sentence. As Danny really digs her, he wants to do stuff that she like s to do. Therefore this is the following stuff he has done in the following 5 weeks (could be wrong on the timescale).

Seeing Lord of the rings stage show somewhere in london - Danny and i both saw the first two flicks together, neither of us were that impress but sarah (his girlfriend, i thought her name was something else) likes the films and books so this was right up her street. Danny thought it was ridiculous and doesn't think even being on large amount of drugs would make him like it (he would know). We both have felt the best story from the films has been the clear love story between sam and frodo, and everything else is just a trek somewhere. Anyway i've gone off point, he thought it was rubbish but he surived the whole thing which sounds like more than i can do.

(Stopped writing so i can watch Prison Break)

(Prison Break was awesome)

Seeing Atonement at the cinema - Danny loves shameless but has a problem seeing actors as anybody else after a certain performance, and james mcavoy is that guy from shameless (i'm not a fan so i don't know names.) he said the film was ok which surprised me because he only seems to watch martial arts, japanese or comedies. Atonement is none of those but good he is broadening his horizon.

Ricky Gervais somewhere in london again - This was more a Danny thing as he is a whore for Ricky Gervais stuff, he even liked him on the ricky gervais show. He thinks the office is the greatest sitcom (it's not, even the americans have done that better) he thinks extras is easily top ten (it has one joke in two series) and like his stage shows (they are good, not great). It was of great shock when i heard that my friend danny hated the show - words i never thought i'd hear. Apparently he has turned into Bernard Manning and makes jokes that are racist and makes fun of people with aids. I read a review that said similar stuff (the reviewer thought it was funny) but said that ricky gervais uses a prompter to read his script, which just seems wrong and i thought after 100's of shows you'd have the routine down, but each to their own. Danny is hoping when he sees Bill Bailey that the jokes are funny (i think that's a certainty)

I know he's done something else that was undanny like but i can't remember. i know he enjoyed it. I'm glad he's spreading his wings.

I'm seeing Ratatouille on saturday which i'm looking forward too.

My warmest regards

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