Thursday 10 April 2008

Abort mission

I am currently sitting at my desk, during my lunch break just counting the minutes until it's time for the weekend. I'm not sure why i am writing a blog at this point but ho-hum.

While talking to my friend at the start of the week i realised she has her life planned out. She has done so since she was 9 years old. This got me thinking about how i have no goals when it comes to a career and i never really have. At this moment all i want is a better paid job and to do an open university course. While talking to Kell's bells (the above-mentioned friend) i was thinking that maybe i'm slacking in deciding what i should do as a job and maybe i've left it too late.

Then i realised...

Until has was 30 years old, Jesus had done fuck all...then he started teaching lessons to the world for 3 years before being crucified.

I've recently turned 23, so i have 7 years to really find a path and i don't think i will only have 3 years to make an impact.

So now i can go back to saying rubbish and being a lazy bitch.

Crisis over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and a little house and a little baby and a jack russell called Eric and a short, crazy haired luvva