Friday 16 April 2010

Mission Statement 2. Electric boogaloo

I failed my blog a day for a week. It was probably too big an ask considering I lack the creativity and drive to keep to something like this. I’m not that guy. I am a guy though that if I was in a pole vault competition and I failed a jump at the same height twice, would go for a much higher jump on the third attempt even though I couldn’t succeed at the lower level.

For the next 13 days, there will be 13 blogs that will consist of a top 13 list of some of my favourite things, in 13 different colour fonts. I have 5 ideas already thought up and hopefully will be inspired for more ideas soon. I’ve chosen 13 because it is unlucky for some but I think it’s going to be lucky for me in the quest of blogging. I also went with lists because I thought I’d be able to get closer to my goal by doing lists.

The first blog will be appearing today and hopefully the 13th will be posted on the 28th April. I’m (slightly) confident I can achieve this, but I will try and that’s all you can do, is try.

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